About AIM

The mission of AIM is to ensure that L&S undergraduate curriculum and policy information is accurate, useful, and that our systems of record are effective and produce high quality data for analysis, assessment, and operations.  AIM staff collaborate across campus on projects related to policy analysis, data governance, student record retention, degree auditing and clearance, academic policy and curriculum implementation, academic planning, and information management.  We have authored many data-informed policy analyses intended to help L&S faculty assess and improve the educational experience for students.

AIM Staff

Susan McMillan

Position title: Policy & Planning Analyst

Mike Pflieger

Position title: Assistant Dean & Director

Wyl Schuth

Position title: Policy & Planning Analyst

Michael Zenz

Position title: Policy & Planning Analyst

AIM Media

Motley Crews: Collaborating with Quarto

Presented at posit::conf(2023), Chicago, 20 Sept 2023.


Adoption of Quarto for document creation has transformed the collaborative workflow for our small higher-education analytics team. Historically, content experts wrote in Word documents and data analysts used R for statistics and graphics. Specialization in different software tools created challenges for producing collaborative analytic reports, but Quarto has solved this problem. We will describe how we use Quarto for writing and editing text, embedding statistical analysis and graphics, and producing reports with a standard style in multiple formats, including web pages.

Collaborating Within and Across UW Administrative Units


Presented at the Office of Strategic Consulting’s Showcase 2023, an event that is “designed to celebrate and strengthen a culture of innovation and continuous improvement at UW–Madison.”


Administrative staff across UW—Madison are using a variety of tools to do similar tasks, from project management to data analysis and visualization. GitLab allows staff members to use their own preferred tools and still collaborate on everyday tasks. Our poster, created by Policy & Planning Analysts from the School of Education, Wisconsin School of Business, and the College of Letters & Science, illustrates how we use GitLab to meet challenges related to project management, security, proliferation of analytic tools, version control, and publishing & sharing reports.